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Mother’s Day 2024, embracing mom's unconditional love

What is Mother’s Day? Our mothers are superheroines and we don't show them enough, but luckily, we have a day to give them some of the recognition they deserve. During Mother's Day, the sale of flowers and celebratory cards increases exponentially, plus we become great poets to shower mom with attention. But when is Mother’s Day celebrated? Do... Show more

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Mother’s Day designs for your projects


Mother’s Day symbols: heartfelt expressions of love and appreciation

Mother’s Day Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(242, 94, 134)
  • RGB rgb(242, 94, 134)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 94, 134)
  • HSL rgb(242, 94, 134)
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With the passion and fierceness of Brink Pink

Brink Pink is a color from the range of red shades, colors that belong to the warm color family, perfect for the Mother's Day colors palette, warm and loving like mom's hugs. If we compare this color with the rest of its palette, we can see that it is the strongest of all, the most striking of all the colors chosen, which is something we should pay attention to because it is a color that will catch the eye and will stand out in any of your designs. Outside of the Mother's Day context, we like to use this color with its triad, Screamin Green and Blue Crayola, a combination you can not go wrong with. Now it's your turn.

  • HEX rgb(255, 170, 191)
  • RGB rgb(255, 170, 191)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 170, 191)
  • HSL rgb(255, 170, 191)
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As soft as Nadeshiko Pink

As you can see, Nadeshiko Pink is a much softer color than Brink Pink. As is the case with Brink Pink, Nadeshiko Pink is a color that is within the range of red shades, and is a warm color. Nadeshiko Pink has less intensity, if we wanted to achieve it with watercolors, we would have to reduce the red with a greater amount of white. It is a color that is very reminiscent of femininity and motherhood, which is why we use it on this holiday such as Mother’s Day. If you are going to use this color during Mother’s Day, we recommend you use the palette we have suggested; but if you need to use Nadeshiko Pink in your designs that have nothing to do with Mother’s Day, we recommend you use it with Mint Green which is part of its triad. You can create a lot of palettes with this color.

  • HEX rgb(0, 141, 151)
  • RGB rgb(0, 141, 151)
  • CMYK rgb(0, 141, 151)
  • HSL rgb(0, 141, 151)
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There’s nothing more beautiful than Dark Cyan

As its name suggests, Dark Cyan is a color that comes from the blue range, belonging to the so-called cold colors. It is a dark color that contrasts very well with the range of warm colors that we have chosen for this Mother’s Day palette, since we have combined this great Dark Cyan with the more vivid shades of pinks and yellows. Dark Cyan is one of the colors chosen for Mother’s Day because in color psychology it conveys serenity, calm, wisdom, qualities that each and every one of us knows our mothers have. But it is a very versatile color, with which you can create a large number of palettes, although we advise you to combine it with its complementary split, Antique Ruby.

  • HEX rgb(242, 175, 92)
  • RGB rgb(242, 175, 92)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 175, 92)
  • HSL rgb(242, 175, 92)
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From turmeric comes Indian Yellow

Another of the colors in this amazing Mother's Day palette is Indian Yellow. It is a very characteristic color of Indian culture, because as you can see, its yellowish and orange tone reminds us a lot of spices such as turmeric. Indian Yellow belongs to the family of yellows, colors that fall into the range of colors that we consider warm, as you can see this palette has very warm reminiscences. Yellow in color psychology transmits joy and optimism, it is one of those colors that we call "happy", because it can give a lot of life to your designs. With this color you will be able to create palettes a little dark, but with great chromatic variety.

  • HEX rgb(255, 237, 213)
  • RGB rgb(255, 237, 213)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 237, 213)
  • HSL rgb(255, 237, 213)
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Shall we take a Papaya Whip?

We hope you don't get hungry when you see this Papaya Whip, a wonderful color of the lighter orange family, we could say that it is almost white. This color reminds us both of the inside of a papaya and of the delicious vanilla ice cream, because it has such a soft tonality. It is the last of our warm colors for Mother's Day, even though it is a pastel color, Papaya Whip can remind us of those summer days when you need a milkshake in a hurry. If you like this color and you feel like using it outside the context of Mother's Day, we suggest you combine it with stronger colors, such as Mellow Apricot, so you will get an interesting contrast.


The history of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is probably one of the most deserved holidays in the world. But why do we celebrate Mother’s Day? Every culture has honored mothers and motherhood, from the ancient Egyptians to the present day, setting aside a Sunday to pamper our mothers. Throughout history, we have found ways to give our mothers some of the love they always give us, from performing rituals for motherhood as the Greeks did, to creating a specific day to honor our beloved mothers, with the help of the President of the United States. Would you like to learn more about the origin of Mother’s Day and find the perfect gift while you’re at it? Take a look at the history of this holiday.

Throughout history

Goddesses, but mothers

Mother goddesses throughout history

Throughout history, various cultures have venerated different gods, but a common thread among many religions is the presence of a mother goddess figure. In most polytheistic belief systems, we find a goddess revered as a maternal figure. For the Egyptians, this figure was Isis, the mother of Horus, who protected her son from Set, the murderer of Osiris. For the ancient Greeks, she was known as Rhea, the wife of Cronus and mother of the great majority of the Olympian gods, including Zeus, Poseidon, and Hera. Additionally, there is Cybele, a Phrygian goddess, known as Mother Earth, who was also worshiped by the Greeks. This goddess is conceived as a deity of life and resurrection.


Anna Jarvis fought for every mother

The founder of Mother’s Day

Anna Jarvis is known to all of us as the founder of Mother’s Day. Inspired by her mother, who was a peace activist during the American Civil War, and promoted public health. After her mother’s death, Anna wanted to commemorate her mother's legacy by celebrating Mother’s Day, a day of appreciation and sentiment for all mothers. By creating a campaign that spread throughout the United States, Anna Jarvis achieved recognition for Mother’s Day. However, it became heavily commercialized, and she tried to fight against its commercialization in order to maintain its original message.


Mothers have a national holiday

Wilson establishes Mother’s Day

Thanks to the efforts of activist Anna Jarvis, in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially established Mother’s Day. Anna Jarvis joined forces with Julia Ward Howe, a suffragette who wanted to create Mothers’ Day for Peace, in which the mothers of the world would ask their sons and husbands to stop dying in wars. Together, they succeeded in spreading this day as a time to honor the person who has done everything for you. The US Congress took this day as a bit of a joke, as they said that if they accepted a Mother’s Day, they would have to accept a Mother-in-law’s Day, which exists to this day, in fact. But thanks to Jarvis’ efforts, he managed to turn a holiday that everyone was already observing into an official holiday, having it reserved for the second Sunday in May.


The third most popular holiday

Children dedicate this day to giving gifts to their mothers

Today, Mother’s Day is an international holiday, a time when mothers all over the world enjoy the affection of their children. Children dedicate this day to giving gifts to their mothers, going for brunch at a nice place, buying flowers, or even crafting handmade gifts like a macaroni necklace at school. Most of all, they dedicate this day to saying “thank you” to all that their mothers have done for them throughout their lives. While this may not have been Anna Jarvis’ original idea, as she was against the commercialization of the holiday, it is true that the main objective of her proposal has been fulfilled: the work and labor of all our mothers is being commemorated all over the world.


Mother’s Day celebrations around the world

In each country, Mother’s Day is celebrated in different ways. We all have different Mother’s Day traditions and ways in which we honor our mothers, adapted to our countries and cultures. Some places may give flowers to their mothers, while others might invite them to dinner. Additionally, the date of Mother’s Day varies from country to country. Do you want to learn how Mother’s Day is commemorated around the world?

United States

In the United States, there are many customs surrounding Mother’s Day, such as going to church as a family, buying flowers for mom, and enjoying the day together. During Mother’s Day, many families reserve brunch time to enjoy each other’s company or visit a nice restaurant for tea. In addition, many organizations seize the symbolism of Mother’s Day to make political and feminist statements. One notable human rights activist was Coretta Scott King, who led a Mother’s Day campaign for the rights and support of people living in poverty, just one month after the death of her husband, Martin Luther King. In addition to the United States, other countries also celebrate Mother’s Day on this date, such as Italy, Canada, China, etc. But when is Mother’s Day in the United States? The second Sunday of May is the most widely recognized date for Mother’s Day celebrations worldwide and in the US.


When is Mother’s Day in Spain? Mother’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May, although this was not the original date. Until 1965, Spaniards honored their mothers on December 8, coinciding with the celebration of the Immaculate Conception. However, influenced by practices in the United Kingdom, Spain shifted the celebration to May. But why May instead of December, as the Spaniards had traditionally done? In the past, flowers were often used as a symbol of femininity, and it was decided to move the celebration to the month of May to have a larger supply and demand of flowers. This allowed people to sell more flowers and make more profit. Not only the Spanish celebrate Mother’s Day on the first Sunday of May, but also the Portuguese, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Angolans, South Africans, and the inhabitants of Andorra.


In France, Mother’s Day is celebrated on a different date than in Spain or the United States. In this country, the idea of paying tribute to mothers dates back to the time of Napoleon, when the emperor decided to set aside a day to glorify mothers, but it was not until after World War II that Mother’s Day was finally established in France. The first celebration of Mother’s Day in France took place in Lyon, as mentioned above, after the Second World War. On this first French Mother’s Day, tribute was paid to all the mothers who lost their sons and husbands in the war. Years later, it began to include working women and mothers of large families. In 1950, the then President of the French Republic, Vincent Auriol, declared that Mother's Day would be celebrated on the last Sunday of May. If Mother’s Day coincides with Saint Pentecost, they change Mother’s Day to June 1.


In the United Kingdom, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 4th Sunday during Lent, about three weeks before Easter Sunday. The tradition dates back to the Middle Ages, when young men who had left their families to go away to work had permission on these dates to go and visit their home church, which was called Mother Church. The children would take advantage of these visits to see their mothers and bring them gifts, flowers, or sweets during Mother’s Day in the UK. It was also a way to relax Lent's strict fasting rules, which is why it was called Refreshment Sunday. The British take advantage of this day to prepare Simnel Cake as a family, which is a cake made with fruit, and have it together on Mother’s Day. If you visit the United Kingdom on these dates, you will see how all the establishments are filled with families sharing a great day together eating Simnel cake.


As we said before, each country celebrates Mother’s Day when it suits them best. Russian Mother’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Previously, it was celebrated on March 8, coinciding with International Women’s Day, but former President Boris Yeltsin changed the date to the end of November. The Russian community celebrates this holiday with great enthusiasm, which was set to promote unity within the family. On this last Sunday of November, Russians honor their mothers, wives, and pregnant women. Children usually give their moms handmade cards or other handmade crafts that they think their mothers would appreciate. They may also prepare a tasty meal for their mothers and encourage them to rest. But the best part of Mother’s Day in Russia is undoubtedly the evening, when children give their mothers flowers and dance together.


On the other hand, in Thailand, Mother’s Day is celebrated on August 12 each year, unlike in other countries such as the United States or Spain, where the date may vary. But why is it always on the same date? In Thailand, Mother’s Day coincides with the birthday of Queen Sirikit, revered as the mother of the nation. She was the wife of King Bhumibol, whose birthday is celebrated as Father’s Day. On this day, Thais usually exhibit portrait paintings of Queen Sirikit, adorned in silk clothes, and several parades are held to honor her memory. Mothers and children spend the day together, cherishing the moment. In schools, a customary ceremony takes place where children kneel before their mothers, expressing their affection and respect, and thanking them for all they do. The typical gift to celebrate Mother’s Day in Thailand is a jasmine flower, a symbol of purity and motherhood.


Mother’s Day in Argentina is quite special, as it’s another of the few countries that does not celebrate this day during the month of May, but rather in October. Argentines celebrate Mother’s Day on the third Sunday of October. However, it was originally celebrated on October 11, coinciding with the Catholic Church’s commemoration of the Virgin Mary’s maternity. Still, they decided to move it to the third Sunday of the same month for commercial reasons. Argentine children spend the day with their mothers, expressing gratitude for all they do. Many children give their mothers a gift to honor them for this day, but the most important aspect is the quality time spent together. Additionally, as October marks the onset of spring in Argentina, Spring flowers are one of the favorite gifts to give.


As in most countries, Mother’s Day is celebrated in India on the second Sunday of May, which is the most widespread date to celebrate Mother’s Day globally. It is very typical to give flowers to mothers on this day, but even more so in a place with such a wide and colorful variety of flowers. During Mother’s Day in India, the atmosphere is filled with marigolds, lotus flowers, and elaborate garlands, all to honor mothers. Children usually present their mothers with gifts and greeting cards. In India, there are huge flower markets that families visit during Mother’s Day to buy flowers for their moms. If you live in India or visit during Mother’s Day, you must go and see these elaborate flower markets, where the mesmerizing fragrance of marigolds fills the air.