4 B.C. to 30 A.C.
Life, Passion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ marked an important point in Christianity
25th December is a key date for the Catholic Church, as it’s the day when Jesus Christ, the son of God, was born here on Earth. His life was spent performing miracles and extraordinary acts, later narrated in the gospels, that earned him thousands of believers. Years later, he went to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter surrounded by his most loyal disciples, the 12 apostles. One of them, Judas, betrayed him, getting him arrested. After being judged, he was condemned by Pontius Pilate, sentencing him to death to crucifixion. This whole process is commonly known as the Passion. Three days after his death, a miracle happened. Jesus resurrected and ascended to Heaven next to his Father. It occurred on Easter Sunday, giving rise to one of the most important days for the Christian community.