Pay-as-you-go with our new API plans

With the Freepik API, you can access a never-ending library of high-quality resources. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you will use all of them, does it?

Having total control of your budget is just as important as having the best resources available for your company’s needs. That’s why we’ve revisited our pricing models to ensure you pay only for what you need.

Say goodbye to unnecessary costs or entry barriers—our self-service plans give you total payment flexibility, making our API the perfect match for your company’s visual needs.

And that’s not even all.

Thanks to our AI image generator, personalization goes a step further, granting you cutting-edge image generation with ready-to-use pre-made settings for styles, lighting, colors, and framing options—an intuitive tool with unmatched speed for generating visual content.

API assets

No matter what your business needs are, the Freepik API is ready to adapt to them.

Stay tuned for more product updates and new features.