Team Choice: Top 5 Figma Plugins

Last time we talked about Figma and why our designers like it so much. One of the perks we mentioned was the use of plugins, and today, we’ll dive further into this.

Figma launched plugins in 2019, and the community welcomed this new feature with opened arms. Plugins help automize work, be faster, and more productive, so no wonder we’ve been waiting for them to come. 

But the best part is not even that you could search for plugins, the best part is that you could actually make one yourself. Instead of waiting until someone creates a plugin you need, you could be that someone. Spoiler alert: we became that someone and created our own plugin. But first, let’s talk plugin installation process.

How to install a plugin

First, make sure you have a Figma account. If you don’t, go here and then come back.

Then, open the Community page in your account. You can either click Explore and browse popular resources (great place to start) or, if you are familiar with the tool already, click Feed to see the resources from creators you follow. 

figma plugin

You can also use a search bar at the top of the page to look for a plugin. You can search by Name, Developer, or Tags.

Click Plugins to filter the results.

Click on the plugin to open the resource page.

Click Install to add the plugin to your Figma account. 


Now when the technicality is out of the way, let’s move to the best part- our top-5 plugins.

Color Palettes

best plugins for figma

Search palettes by number or name, color codes, and apply the right shades into your design. 

Rename It

best plugins for figma

Rename layers, frames, and keep your files organized.

Storyset by Freepik

best plugins for figma

Drum roll, please! We’re happy to present you with something our team has been working on Storyset by Freepik plugin for Figma.

You can search, add, and edit thousands of illustrated concepts from Stories by Freepik and use them in your projects.

The plugin features five styles available at Storyset by Freepik, so you can find the one that fits your project and reflects its personality. 

You can customize the illustrations by choosing the color and the type of background you’d like to use. 

How to use Storyset by Freepik plugin

1. Run the Stories by Freepik plugin.

2. Use the search bar to find an illustrated concept.

3. Filter the results by style and then choose the desired color and background.

4. Click the illustration to add it to your project and start editing!


best plugins for figma

Design and build products that are accessible, ethical, and inclusive.

Time machine

best plugins for figma

This plugin saves your time and removes the action you’d normally do manually. It automatically copies the version you want to save to another page called “Time Machine” and name the frame with the date it was saved.


best plugins for figma

With this plugin, you can quickly test your design across different device sizes.

These are our top 5, but Figma has hundreds of plugins added every day, so we are sure this list will grow in the future.

Do you use plugins for Figma? What are your favorite ones? Let us know in the comments below!