AI-powered search engine – how to get the best out of it

Freepik is proud to announce the launch of a new AI-powered search engine available for all users. A feature that perfectly understands what you are looking for and makes your search experience worth it.

Accurate results in a few clicks

Imagine AI like your new teammate, a good one!

It does not bring you coffee in the morning, but… it handles complex queries, corrects your typos, finds accurate results based on your needs, and significantly simplifies your browsing experience.

It sounds pretty handy, right? So, here is how you use it:

Getting started with AI

Do you want to see AI in action? Below you have what is called a complex query.

As well as content description, AI understands your preferences by filtering data, format, language, and style.

What’s more, whether you master English or not, you will still be able to look for the images you need. Test AI by typing what you want in the language you like.

Be yourself in every search

AI perfectly gets you and gives you the power to be as creative as you want. Whenever you start a new search, feel free to express yourself most naturally. Add the nouns, adjectives, verbs, and even adverbs you wish in the search bar, and you will still achieve accuracy.

Check this article to find out more about how AI works.

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