What is a painting’s first stroke like?

These two artists – Ryan Hopkinson and Andrew Stellitano have decided to give some importance to the beginning of every existing work of art: the first stroke. To celebrate this simple act, they have developed this idea in their project, Strokes.

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It consists on a series of five images that intend to recreate that exact first stroke of a painting as a tridimensional structure. In their search to capture the essence of the movement and inspiration instilled into that precise moment, they have sculpted the paint strokes and arranged a beautiful five-piece composition.

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This is a beautiful tribute to traditional media, and a reminder that we all come from a place where ctrl+Z wasn’t a thing. It is a brave thing to place the first paint blob on the canvas, and they have created art out of precisely that fact. It feels like an exercise of mindfulness, and you can sure take it into account the next time you’re about to start a masterpiece 🙂

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You can see the set and more inspiring photography work on Hopkinson’s gallery.