This Polish artist lets water play an important role on her fountain sculptures

Malgorzata Chodakowska is a Polish sculptor that makes beautiful bronze sculptures for fountains, and has been in the business for 30 years. It takes her from two to six months to complete a piece, depending on how complex it is.

DEU, SACHSEN, Dresden, 26.11.2014: Kleine Ballerina, Brunnen, Springbrunnen, Skulptur, Plastik aus Bronze von Malgorzata Chodakowska vor schwarzem Hintergrund, entstanden 2014, 171 cm hoch, Tuetue aus Wasser; losdif - copyright by Lothar Sprenger [Telefon: 0351-8048012, Funk: 0170-5250109, mail:, Anschrift: D-01187 Dresden, Bienertstrasse 33a; Veroeffentlichung nur mit Autorangabe, Belegexemplar und gegen Honorar]

What is really special about her sculpture, apart from the crazy amount of detail that she achieves, is the fact that she designs them in a way that water plays an important role on it. Water becomes necessary to understand the fountain, creating beautiful compositions.

DEU, SACHSEN, Dresden, 28.01.2014: Ueberfluss, Skulptur, Brunnen, Springbrunnen, Plastik aus Bronze, vor schwarzem Hintergrund, von Malgorzata Chodakowska, Pillnitz, entstanden 2009, 180 cm hoch, vergoldet, Wasser tropft vom Tuch; losdif - copyright by Lothar Sprenger [Telefon: 0351-8048012, Funk: 0170-5250109, mail:, Anschrift: D-01187 Dresden, Bienertstrasse 33a; Veroeffentlichung nur mit Autorangabe, Belegexemplar und gegen Honorar!]

Many fountains are composed by a statue and water nozzles and sprinklers placed in a decorative fashion. But for Malgorzata, water plays a fundamental role. The shape of the water as it falls adds context to her sculptures, and provides a beautiful, striking visual impact.

DEU, Deutschland, Sachsen, Radebeul, 04.06.2015: Skulptur Liebespaar von Malgorzata Chodakowska, Springbrunnen, Brunnen, Plastik - Fotografie: Lothar Sprenger, Dresden; losdif [Lothar Sprenger Diplomfotograf, D- 01187 Dresden, Bienertstrasse 33a, Telefon: 0049-(0)351-8048012, Fax: 0049-(0)351-8951256, Funk: 0170-5250109; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar und Belegexemplar! IBAN: DE27850800000400192800, BIC: DRESDEFF850]

Learn more about her on her personal website.