Photography in advertising, a different creative field

If there is one kind of photography that requires the most research and careful planning behind the scenes, this is it: photography in advertising is a different creative field, revolving around the concept of showing and selling a product to a final consumer. 

Advertising and art have been borrowing techniques and tricks since the most remote times, and in the field of photography we can see how it expands creativity and technique to the maximum, to convey messages and achieve results. One of the main characteristics of advertising photographs is that they have to be attractive and eye-catching to the public.  

Also, there has to be a clear message conveyed to the public and the future customers. Without a message, the advertising image wouldn’t have a reason to exist! The idea that the photograph will convey to the public must be carefully planned and thought about. There is an art to saying more with less, so this message should be as concise as possible! Sometimes, photography is accompanied by text, and sometimes the images speak for themselves.


The third goal that the photograph intends to achieve is to actually push the customers to make a purchase of a product or hire a service offered by the advertised company. There are many resources that photographers specialized in this field have, and they use their skills to manage to create incredible campaigns, having one of the most creative jobs ever. A very common resource would be, for example, the metaphor. It’s used to create visual puns that spark the interest of the viewers, or humor: sometimes the most memorable campaigns are the ones that make the public laugh!

Before taking the photographs, the agencies create a layout, which is a mock-up version (sometimes using stock photography) of what the actual photography and graphic design must look like in the final version. After this “prototype” version is approved, the photographers take the actual photographs that will be used in the advertisement.


Photo edition is nowadays a very important part of the advertising photography field, because with photo edition software such as Photoshop, you can create very visually interesting effects, improve contrasts or merge different photos to create the final result.

If you are in the look for high-quality stock photography, that you can use to create mock-ups and plan out your photography projects, you can take a look at the photo collection that is available for download on Freepik and the icons on Flaticon! 🙂


Go to Freepik!