Neighborhood design: take care of your body… and the design of your business

Surely you’ve heard the phrase, «take good care of your body, and it will take care of you.» Well, it doesn’t only apply to health. If we change the word «body» to «brand image», the idea remains the same. Just as our trusted physiotherapist gives us that extra energy to carry on with our day-to-day lives, good design can work wonders in any business.

This mantra has helped the new designer, Carmen Vela, embark on renovating the Atlas Physiotherapy center, located in the La Trinidad neighborhood of Málaga. The owner, Salomé, felt that her clinic needed a visibility boost. With the help of AI-powered tools from Freepik, Carmen has managed to give it a new look with a spectacular facade design that catches everyone’s attention. Discover how Neighborhood design has changed this business forever.

Stretching creativity

Who better than a designer to show us how visual identity can transform a business, both externally and internally? Carmen Vela joined the Neighborhood Design project with a clear purpose: she was seeking a real project that would immerse her in the heart of the professional design world. And that’s exactly what she found in Freepik’s initiative: 

«I was eager to tackle a real project that would allow me to gain autonomy and develop my decision-making skills.»

Carmen has experienced this journey like a rollercoaster, filled with learning and highly enriching experiences. After seeing her final masterpiece and riding the rollercoaster of emotions it brought, she’s now ready to take on anything with a fresh burst of confidence and energy.

Taking care of business

«It is not always easy to start a business because, when push comes to shove, you have to decide what to invest in within the business.» When the Atlas Physiotherapy Center started operating, Salomé had already worked with design professionals to create the brand image for her clinic. But that had been some time ago, and she noticed that the visibility of her center was gradually fading into the past. So when Carmen showed up at her center, she welcomed her with open arms.

Thanks to Neighborhood Design, Atlas physiotherapy clinic has taken its local appeal to new heights, leveraging its impact with the power of great designs, made faster by AI tools. This is the before and after.

Treating it as if she were tending to one of her clients, Salomé knew precisely what could rejuvenate her business: she aimed to shed the anonymity of the white walls and make it stand out with a design that perfectly matched its minimalist and elegant brand identity. Carmen was all ears and put her creativity to work to take care of and pamper this business.

Now, in the neighborhood of Málaga, there isn’t a person who doesn’t talk about the incredible facade of the Atlas clinic. Drawing inspiration from the shapes and curves of the human body, while maintaining the center’s color palette, Carmen has created a mural that rejuvenates and modernizes the business. But her work wasn’t just about giving Salomé’s center a fresh coat of paint; she knew that her design had to convey to everyone passing by what they would find upon entering: professionalism and well-being.

«The new design will positively impact my client’s day-to-day life and serve as an incentive to increase her motivation and love for her own business.»

The energy of change

Every master has their own way of doing things, but some have an ace up their sleeve that allows them to work faster and more efficiently. And yes, this also includes those who work with their imagination. For Carmen, the trick has been to leverage Freepik’s AI tools, which have allowed her to express the full power of her ideas and find the perfect design for the facade of the Atlas clinic:

«Working with Freepik’s AI tools has been very interesting. I’ve been able to make use of them to work better on this project.»

Thanks to Neighborhood Design, Atlas physiotherapy clinic has taken its local appeal to new heights, leveraging its impact with the power of great designs, made faster by AI tools. These are some of its new materials.

When human creativity is mixed with technology, there are no limits that cannot be reached. Carmen’s design has done much more than just breathe new life into the Atlas clinic; it has also brought a fresh vibe to the La Trinidad neighborhood. Now, it could be said that Salomé takes care of her clients even outside of her clinic.

We still have a lot more to tell you about our business redesign projects. Don’t miss out on the stories we share in our blog section about Neighborhood design, and discover how other businesses have transformed their image through great design, faster.