The importance of having your own unique Graphic Design style

If you’re a new designer, you probably haven’t given much thought to your design style. You may have just assumed that the client will tell you what they need you to do. Perhaps you’ll just follow whatever the current design trends are. Both of these things are possibilities, but they represent isolated incidents that don’t happen often. In most cases, it’s your job to come up with a design that meets the client’s needs, and the current design trends may not be applicable to the project you’re currently working on. They also don’t excuse the need for your own design style. So why exactly is having your own design style so important?


1. It Separates You From Other Designers

There’s no one else in the world like you. You’re unique, you’re an individual; so shouldn’t your designs match this? Your friends like you for specific reasons. If you were identical to other people, there would be no reason to befriend you. The same goes for your designs. If your designs look just like someone else’s, why would someone need to hire you? They could just go directly to the original artist.

Developing your own design style gives you an opportunity to show the world your talent and what makes you special. Eventually, people in your community will begin to recognize your work. They’ll know your work just from glancing at it. This is not only great if you’re trying to make a name for yourself, but this also helps if you find yourself in the situation of someone else attempting to take credit for your work. Imitation is flattering, but it’s not a pleasant experience to have your hard work claimed by someone else. While you can’t stop people from taking credit for things that aren’t theirs, you can make it difficult for them. If you have a consistent style, people will be able to easily spot an impostor. In many cases, people will tell the imposter that design belongs to you. Things like this don’t happen often, but it’s nice when people are able to recognize the work you do.




2. You Have The Opportunity To Make A Real Contribution To The World

Taking inspiration from others is a great way to get your creative juices flowing, but if everyone copied everyone else, nothing would ever be invented. You have to be willing to branch out and explore all the possibilities of design. You might be the one to create the next famous logo or design a new concept that changes art and science forever. At minimum, you’ll create an awesome birthday card ideas for someone you love that’ll make them smile. Every happy moment counts. Every contribution counts.




3. Other Designers Can Use Your Style For Inspiration

Think of how amazing it would be to inspire others, and excite their creativity. You can do that! By creating your own design style, you can be the source of new projects and ideas. Everyone starts out as a new designer at some point. It can be difficult finding a style and coming up with your own designs. As a seasoned designer, you can be a big help to someone just starting out. Think of yourself as a mentor. You can teach someone else a new skill, but how can you mentor them if you haven’t developed your own style yet?




4. Clients Will Know What To Expect From You

As you continue to develop your style and build your clientele; you’ll learn more about yourself and your limitations. Working with a new client or an old client can prove difficult if neither of you knows what you’re capable of. By taking the time to develop your design style, you’ll know exactly what you excel at and what projects you may want to pass up on. For example, let’s say that a client needs a poster designed for an upcoming event. If you know your design style, you can choose whether you’d like to accept or reject that project. If you’re unsure of your design style, you might end up wasting a lot of time only to find out that you couldn’t meet the client’s needs.




There are so many great reasons to spend time developing your design style. You’ll gain notoriety as an artist, make valuable contributions to the world, help your fellow designers and build a quality and reputable relationship with your clients. Think of your design style the way you think of your personal style. It’s okay to get inspiration from others, but ultimately, your style should be uniquely yours.