Guess who’s the famous character behind these minimalistic portraits

Marco D’Abramo is an Italian web and graphic designer who loves to create minimalistic illustrations of famous personalities, such as Audrey Hepburn, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or Angelina Jolie.


Una foto publicada por Marco D’Abramo (@mdabrown) el

Una foto publicada por Marco D’Abramo (@mdabrown) el


With very simple elements, such as hair, eyebrows and a face shape, his characters are instantly recognizable. If you have trouble telling who the person portrayed is, don’t fret! He includes the solution to these in the description.

And if you are wondering what is the Pantone color that he used for the background, he includes that piece of information too! His drawings are a great example of how important it is, whether when drawing a portrait or designing a character, to emphasize the most recognizable elements of their persona.


Una foto publicada por Marco D’Abramo (@mdabrown) el

Una foto publicada por Marco D’Abramo (@mdabrown) el

Una foto publicada por Marco D’Abramo (@mdabrown) el


Find more illustrations by Marco on Instagram.