Featured Artist: Luizclas

On this occasion our Featured Artist will surprise you, not only because it is a photographer, but also because the work of Luizclas, with a particular focus on female portraits, has an aura of beauty, mysticism and grace that leaves nobody indifferent. 

This Brazilian photographer, who started taking photos as a hobby in his high school years, has become specialized in all types of portraits and he has a broad portfolio focused on enhancing female beauty in all its facets. 

“I loved taking photos of my friends and editing them. Seeing their reaction when they received them was really exciting, even more so when I saw the impact they had on social media after posting them. Little by little, people would contact me for professional jobs and my friends really encouraged me to take on the challenge because, according to them, I had talent”.


For Luizclas, social media has also played an important role in his career, particularly Instagram, where he started to be recognized and have a huge impact, not only in Brazil, but also all around the world. Now he can say that he lives and enjoys his art and his passion for photography. 

And just like all our Featured Artists, Luizclas has also created an exclusive collection for Freepik, with twenty images that are sure to find their place in some of your projects thanks to their beautiful narrative style. 

Spontaneous portraits that enhance beauty

While it is not the only field of photography that he has explored, we can say that portraits are Luizclas’ “forte”, on which practically 100% of his work is based. 

Specifically, female portraits, which this Brazilian photographer masters to perfection and where he feels the freedom to create, inspiring him to continue to work in an area that he is really passionate about.

“I also did some male portraits at the beginning, but my public ended up being focused on women. It is also more profitable, with a much higher demand. I now work with both, but I can say that 99.6% of my portraits are female. I can’t explain it, but I have a gift for enhancing female beauty. I love seeing their reaction through my eyes and showing details that many of them had not even noticed”.


One of the most difficult things about this work for Luizclas is finding his “sign of identity”. He notes that we are living in an era in which there are a great deal of references and lots of information, and the result is not always positive, as we often end up seeing more of the same, and very few works really stand out. “Forging a place on the market and being recognized for your work is increasingly more difficult these days”.

Perfectly aligned work

Luizclas considers photography as the sum of many elements that must be perfectly aligned, from the equipment and the model used to the location chosen. 

“In my case, I always try to use the least amount of equipment possible. I don’t think it’s necessary to have the most expensive equipment to be a good professional. The equipment helps, but the difference really lies in your talent”.

For Luizclas, another key element for ensuring good work is dialog. He strives to establish a fluid dialog with the person he is shooting from the very outset. Exchanging references, combining the location, the mood, the desired effect, the clothes, the additional elements, etc. It must all be perfectly aligned beforehand to obtain a great result!

Luizclas exclusive collection for Freepik

As we already mentioned, Luizclas has created an exclusive collection of photography resources for Freepik. Yes, photos! They are now available to download for free for use in your projects. 



The collection includes twenty photos with a narrative style and earth tones that together provide a sense of comfort, warmth and calm.

“We chose a place with a rustic and old look, which I personally love. We focused on narrative portraits; on book lovers. This photo collection shows how reading can conjure up a mixture of emotions and take you on a journey through your own thoughts, even if you are at home”.

Now it’s your turn to let your imagination run wild to create exclusive content with all these premium resources that can only be found on Freepik.