Disney reminds you the story in Finding Nemo, now retold in emojis

A few years have passed since the first Finding Nemo movie came out, and maybe you don’t remember the plot very well. If you don’t feel like watching it all over again, here’s a little summary of the plot that Disney has made by using emojis, in a similar fashion to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ emoji video.

Since the sequel Finding Dory is coming up soon, Disney has set up an advertising campaign complete with this emoji storytelling video. With cute emojis starring the characters from Disney/Pixar’s latest production, the fishes go once again on an animated adventure.


This kind of videos shows that pictures are worth more than a thousand words. With no verbal expression, the video manages to re-tell the story and refresh the plot for the film’s viewers. It sure makes you want to see the latest release, which will be available in theaters after its release, on June the 17th.



Check the video out on Disney’s Youtube channel.