Scary emoji sculpture against texting and driving

An American LTE company named Spirit has presented a terrifying sculpture of a giant emoji sticking its tongue out, made with the remains of a wrecked car for Distracted Driving Awareness month. The ad company Alma is behind this creation.


The sculpture has been named “The Last Emoji“, which sounds quite macabre but reminds the public that texting while driving is a huge distraction and the cause behind many road accidents every year, taking a high and avoidable death toll every year, especially amongst young people.

Visitors are encouraged to share a picture of the sculpture on social media with the hashtag #sprintdrivesafe and the message “DN’T TXT & DRIVE“, to raise awareness about the subject and spread the word. The sculpture is located in Miami, Florida.


The reason why the protest is taking place precisely in Miami is because Florida remains one of the few states that haven’t prohibited texting while driving as a primary offense.

Check more work by the agency Alma on their website.