The rise of the polygon background

Welcome to the captivating world of polygon background. If you are a graphic designer, developer, or marketer, these versatile and visually appealing designs may already be a part of your creative toolbox. But what makes these polygon backgrounds so popular? The answer lies in their innate ability to create a stunning visual impact while offering a unique sense of depth, dimension, and minimalism. Read on as we explore the many reasons why polygon backgrounds are so appealing to designers and consumers alike.

The aesthetic appeal

Polygon backgrounds are known for their beautiful geometric shapes

Polygon backgrounds are known for their beautiful geometric shapes, which form a modern and versatile design language. These shapes can be simple, such as triangles or squares, or more intricate, like irregular polygons. Either way, these backgrounds effectively communicate precision, sophistication, and artistic flair, adding visual interest and character to any design. The appeal has grown far and wide as a tasteful choice for all kinds of design, from websites and mobile apps to brochures, posters, and packaging materials. This tidal wave of the polygon effect has certainly shown a spike in popularity, and we can perhaps understand why when we highlight its versatility, minimalistic nature, and deepening dimensions.


One of the main factors contributing to the popularity of polygon backgrounds is their adaptability, allowing designers to easily modify shapes, colors, and patterns to better suit their vision. Attributes such as these can help create consistent backgrounds, supporting the important elements of your projects.

Since vector-based designs do not rely on pixels, they can be resized infinitely without losing quality and sharpness, giving you a crisp outcome every time. The beauty of these backgrounds lies in their ability to blend seamlessly across various platforms and applications, making them an excellent choice for diverse design needs. Moreover, their brand-friendly nature allows them to adapt to a wide range of styles, ensuring that your design communicates the intended message effectively. With their intuitive and down-to-earth appeal, polygon backgrounds truly showcase how graphic design expertise can elevate creations to the next level.

It’s good practice to understand backgrounds inside and out to get the most out of them. Check out this fascinating article on background trends for 2022 to give you some extra insight into how they can improve your designs.

From Cubism to minimalism

Cubism, an artistic movement from the early 20th century, has had a significant impact on the evolution of minimalism and the emergence of contemporary polygon backgrounds. The core principle of Cubism is to break away from traditional artistic perspectives and represent subjects in their most essential geometric forms. This abstraction echoes in the philosophy of minimalist design, less is more.

Today artists and designers, such as Petar Shalamanov, adopt the essence of Cubism by focusing on the interplay of simple shapes and flat colors, imbuing their work with a sense of clarity and order. With the rise of digital art, we have witnessed the emergence of contemporary polygon backgrounds, which showcase complex geometric compositions derived from Cubist ideas. In essence, the influence of Cubism on minimalism and contemporary polygon backgrounds exemplifies the continuous conversation between artistic expressions throughout history and the diverse ways in which ideas can be adapted and applied to new contexts.

Depth and dimension

Although minimalistic, polygon backgrounds have a surprising sense of depth and dimension, which can add a lot of value to your design. The geometric shapes that comprise these backgrounds can be arranged in a way that draws the eye and creates a sense of movement or flow.

This visual trickery is achieved through the careful manipulation of colors, gradients, and shadows. By playing with these elements, designers can successfully generate a 3D effect that catches the user’s attention and makes your design feel more engaging and immersive.

One fascinating factor is its proven effectiveness in animation, with its ability to fracture like shards of glass, creating stunning animation scenes for highly engaging brand awareness. You can even create them in Photoshop using the Timeline function or other video editing software such as After Effects.

Psychological response

Polygon backgrounds have an innate ability to create a subconscious feeling of order, harmony, and structure

Polygon backgrounds have an innate ability to create a subconscious feeling of order, harmony, and structure. It is said that humans are naturally drawn to patterns and symmetry, and polygon backgrounds tap into this natural inclination.

They evoke a sense of comfort in their complexity while inspiring creativity and innovation through their imaginative arrangements. This is why so many designers and developers find polygon backgrounds undeniably appealing and incorporate them into their work.

Creating your own polygon background in Illustrator

Polygon backgrounds are super easy to create in illustrator. In minutes you can have your very own customized backgrounds tailored to fit your own creative needs. Just follow these simple sets to get you creating your own versions for the future.

  • Open up Illustrator and with a brand new artboard, adjusting the settings to your liking.
  • Create a background layer with a colorful gradient that fills the artboard, lock it, and create a new layer on top. This will make more sense later.
  • Draw a polygon using the polygon tool that is found in the toolbar and divide the polygon into 6 equal triangles.

Polygon divided into 6 equal triangles

  • Using the selection tool, Select the entire shape, group it, and duplicate it to form a net that covers the entire artboard.

  • Now, using the direct selection tool, you can go ahead and start distorting each shape by grabbing the nodes and pulling them in random directions, keeping consistency in mind. To avoid complications, try to avoid overlapping. Once happy, select the entire layer to fill in white and turn off the stroke. You can now start selecting shards at random, grouping them, and adjusting their transparency at different percentages for the background gradient to become visible. Spend time adjusting the values till you are completely satisfied.

  • The final touch will be adjusting your background gradient layer, tweaking until the whole design seems to resonate and look perfect.

This simple tutorial is just the gateway to creating some incredible geometric background designs that will elevate your creations to new heights.

Polygon backgrounds are so appealing because they offer a contemporary and sophisticated design language that is both versatile and adaptable. Their minimalistic nature, coupled with their ability to create depth and dimension, makes them a popular choice among designers and consumers alike. They evoke a psychological response that makes them feel comfortable and intrigued while maintaining a sense of harmony and balance. If you haven’t yet incorporated these captivating designs into your creative toolkit, now is the time to do so, as the allure of polygon backgrounds is undeniable.