Meet Piktab and the reasons why you are going to love it!

Piktab is a new-tab Chrome extension, it will become your default home page where you can find and share the best free graphic resources. It is so useful for creatives that you won’t be able to remember how your browser was like before hearing about it. Piktab is easy to use and the user interface is really intuitive, but let’s take a closer look at it!
What is so special about Piktab is that you don’t need to push any button to actually use it. Just open a new browser tab, and Piktab will be there to serve you. And how, exactly? Well, Piktab turns your default home page into an interactive environment that allows you to select what kind of content you want to see. Think of it like Pinterest, but created specifically for graphic designers and artists. It allows you to discover new graphic resources every day, in the easiest way possible.

When you open a new tab with Piktab on it, you will find a search bar, a Google Apps dropdown menu, your most visited sites (don’t worry about losing sight of them!) and a selection of graphic resources provided by the sites that you choose to follow. You will find fonts, tutorials, vectors, mock-ups and again, you can choose which kind of content you prefer to see.
For example, if you are suffering from art-block, you might want to pick tutorials to spark your creativity again. Or photography, if you are looking for inspiration. If you are working on a new web design project, perhaps you will want to see more fonts that you can use. And so on. You can visit each category separately to see what’s new in each one, or go back to the general view with just a click.
With the settings menu you can manage your preferences, and choose amongst many graphic design websites: Freepik, Flaticon, Iconfinder, and Pixabay, along with many other license-free resources. When it comes to tags, you can choose to see icons, photos, sketches, vectors, video… There is a lot to choose from, so feel free to experiment and see what works best for you!
As a bonus, you can sign in to Piktab using your existing Freepik account (or create a new one if you haven’t already!), but you can also use Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts. This will allow you to save the things that spark your interest to boards. And what is really cool about this function is something that developers are working on: the possibility to work in teams and share collections. Imagine working with a team and being able to easily share, directly from your browser’s new tabs, everything that you need: mood boards, typography boards, vector inspiration, photos… All in one, combined in this amazing tool.

If you think you could benefit from all of these functions, feel free to download Piktab (which is completely free) and explore all of the possibilities that it offers. Feel free to share your favorite set-ups with us! 🙂
Download Piktab for Chrome here, and stay tuned for all of the new functions that will be coming in the future. Enjoy it!