Design Trends We’ll Be Seeing in 2020

The funny thing about design trends is that they usually continue from the year before leaving some of them behind. But what we are seeing for 2020 is that design trends are more varied and numerous than other years. If you search for “graphic design trends 2020” you’ll find that each list is different to the next with only some trends repeating from list to list.

What we’ve noticed about the trends that will shine in 2020 is the combination of two contrasting elements. This applies to colors, textures, and styles. In this post, we bring you some of our favorite design trends which we’ll be seeing in 2020.

The Two Different Types of Design Trends

Every year, new trends can be separated into two categories; visual and conceptual. The conceptual trends are more human-centered while others are purely visual.

Both instances have trends of their own but every human-centered trend can be applied to any of the visual trends and vice-versa.

Let’s take a look at 7 of the most exciting graphic design trends for 2020.

Graphic design trends 2020

Visual Design Trends 2020

Evolved Gradients

We have seen gradients as a design trend for a couple of years now. They have been present on backgrounds and buttons all last year but they are evolving for 2020. Now illustrations and 3D graphics will be using gradients on their textures and color grading. The transition between colors will be more and more subtle to the point that you can feel the gradient rather than see it.

The gradient background like on Instagram’s logo will still be a strong contender in 2020, but it’s subtle and evolved gradients which are the up and coming trend.

Vintage colors and graphics with a modern touch

Vintage colors and graphics always make a come back in graphic design. Some years it’s more prominent than others. Sometimes it’s drastic and other times it’s more subtle. In 2020 we’ll be seeing a whole range of vintage colors in muted tones. These colors are being used in “modern” design settings like the illustrations we’ve been seeing for a while now. 

Another vintage combo we will be seeing more of is the use of vintage detailed line illustration mixed with bright colors, neo-punk backgrounds, and the new subtle gradient.

Typography with personality

It’s difficult to say that typography is a new trend but in 2020 we’ll be seeing typography with big personalities. Not exactly novelty fonts but more like uniquely designed typographies and compositions that speak volumes on their own. 

The 2020 typography trend is not a specific style of font but more of a way of using type as the design. Think more on the side of hand lettering (in any style) instead of a reusable font.

Organic Sensibility

We’ve been seeing this trend only get bigger and bigger this year. We are expecting it to get even bigger in 2020. An organic sensibility in design is all about making things feel natural, organic and sensible. This includes rounded borders on letters and elements, packaging with natural materials, inks made with natural dyes and things of that sort.

The main idea of the organic sensibility trend is that design feels comfortable, natural and soft to the eye and hand. It’s all about connecting the product with the person through the most organic combination of colors, shapes, and textures.

Movement / Animation and Micro Interaction

More and more graphic designers are moving towards motion graphics and animation. It’s not surprising since another trend we’ll be seeing lots more of in 2020 is movement in design. This movement trend is present in looped 3D illustrated animations, web micro-interactions, and fluid background shapes.

Human-Center Design Trends


As the years go by, design for accessibility is becoming more and more important. Nevertheless, it’s still pretty much a trend as designers get used to doing it. We hope that 2020 will be the last year we call it a trend and by 2021, it’s just part of the process. 

In case you didn’t know, design for accessibility is design for impaired people who need assistance using digital devices. For example, designs that are easier to see or UI which is simple and easy to follow, or design which can be seamlessly translated by a screen reader.

Designing for Gen Alpha

As Millenials reach their forties and Generation Z their twenties, Generation Alpha is the new market which designers will be focusing on. The kids of Gen Alpha are ten years old or less and are the ones who are growing up with technology from day 1.

Their vision of design is completely intuitive and they don’t fall for just anything. Designing for Gen Alpha is all about being part of their lives on and off the screens. This trend is only just beginning and we can’t wait to see where it goes.

Which trends will you be adopting for your designs?

In this post, we looked at some of our favorite design trends for 2020. If you search online you’ll surely find more. It’s easy to see that 2020 will be a year full of new things and new ideas. How will you keep up? Will you stick with timeless designs or follow the trends?