Useful tips for illustrators and graphic designers


Graphic designers, like other creative professions such as writers, journalists or plastic artists, who work freelance need to put a little order on their desks and organize a little day to day. Yes, a difficult task with the current pace of life. Therefore, in this post we want to inspire you with some tips of the most useful. Because … Who said creating is easy?


1. Organization and more organization

Organization is the key to everything. And is that, if you organize properly you will see how you can take time for basic needs like eating or sleeping, simple things that freelances sometimes forget. And no … that’s forbidden!


Lists. The truth is that they are very effective if you write lists for daily goals, and please, be realistic. It’s useless to create a list with 200 items, if you only get two at the end of the day. Instead of happiness, it would cause us a sense of total frustration. A trick? At the end of the day, make a list with feasible tasks, and always try to perform the heaviest first thing in the day to end the day in a more relaxed.

Paper planners. The planners are an excellent idea if you want to have a more global view of all the tasks you have to perform. Remember, there are planners by day, week or month. To complete them, try to follow the same routine as with lists.

Organise apps. If you prefer the digital tools, you can use specific application. There are a lot, just try and choose the one you like the most. But for recommending some, Trello Is one of the best apps that exist right now. It is a very intuitive tool that allows you to create specific boards (work, home or sport) and through it you can organize your day to day.

The eternal agenda. If you still have paper nostalgia, the agenda is your best choice. There are many types. One of the great advantages is that they can always go with you and allow you to record everything at any time. Long live agendas!

Whatever the chosen method, paper or digital, the most important thing is that you try to fulfill it. That is, it is not worth making lists or planning the week if you do not remember to look at them.

2. Timetable

Yes, even if you work freelance, you have to  set a work timetable. Have or do not deliver projects. Routine is essential freelance designers. Because we already know that the more we practice, the better our designs will be. No way we can’t stay in bed all day. Our creations await us with open arms!



3. Work, don’t stop!

As Pablo Picasso said: Inspiration exists but you have to find work. No brainer, we have to work a lot. Do not forget, it is essential that our mind is always working and devising new projects. Only thus, we will get quality creations!




Search and document. To create original designs, you have to investigate a lot about creative currents, trends, techniques or any aspect that you can think of. Once you have enough information about it, analyze and reflect on what line to follow. In addition, it is very important that you document your designs with resources, whether digital or paper. Without forgetting, that even the slightest idea that you think you have to point it.

Draw. Here and there, don’t stop drawing ever. Because this way you can practice that technique that resists you or enjoy a very productive day with your favorite crayons. There are no limits, pass to paper or tablet those ideas that pile up in your mind.



Get update. Even if you have your own technique, it is always good to be aware of what is cooked in the creative world. So make a list with blogs about the creative field that you like and do not forget to visit them. You can always come up with a new idea! Another great option is to take free courses, either to learn or to deepen, the important thing is to be active at a formative level.


4. Inspire yourself

Nowadays, it is very easy to find inspiration in the digital world with the dozens of blogs and portals that exist. Remember, being inspired does not mean copying. We must be legal with our colleagues and always respect their work. Always unique, but keeping an eye on what is being created.




Get lost in apps like Pinterest, Instagram o Dragdis. We love them! We have to recognize it, they are very intuitive and the images are beautiful.

Visit creative portfolios as Behance where to know the work of other designers and illustrators. In addition, the portfolio is a very dynamic creative community. Likewise, share your designs, remember that knowledge is useless but we share it. If you are encouraged to create a portfolio, you can take inspiration from our post about ‘5 webs to create professional portfolios’.

Save your old notebook or photo album. Most likely, your past self would have fresh and very entertaining ideas. Know your inner child!

Read a lot, books are a great ally for inspiration. Do not just read only those you like, experiment to make your ideas evolve.

Socialize with your friends, your family, your partner, the neighbor or that lady who talks to you in the supermarket queue. From the simplest comments come great projects!


5. Take a break!

The truth is that the best way for ideas to flow is to make a break. But not a break to visit Pinterest, no. But to close your computer, take an orange juice, walk the streets, sunbathe or just listen to your favorite music.




Relax and recharge batteries to get back to work. But we want to spend all day in front of the computer, without moving, there are applications like Focus Booster that, in addition to improving your habits at work, warns you of the exact moment you need that rest.

And the last advice … Be happy with what you do at all times!