Videogames graphics evolution: from 1962 to today’s world

Data Radar is a Youtube channel dedicated to technology, cool inventions and videogames. They have compiled excerpts from videogames all the way since 1962 (with Spacewar) to today, to compare the art quality in them.

In the beginning, videogames were monochrome and very, very simple: you must remember having played Pong at some time, even if it was created in 1972! Its mechanism has been copied many times, but graphics have (thankfully) evolved through the years!

As the video description states, “real life is starting to look pixelated”. In this journey you will go from the first 80s Mario Bros game to the highest quality 3D renders that we have today. The latest videogames, such as Horizon Zero Dawn, have graphics that look so good that it makes hard to believe we came such a long way in so little time! 🙂