How far can you make it in this challenging color test?

BuzzFeedBlue, the Youtube channel, has uploaded this color test that might seem easy at first, but how far can you actually get? Every person has different sensibility when it comes to detecting color hues, and with this test you can compete with your friends to see who gets the furthest!

If you remember, we spoke about the color test that Pantone runs amongst their employees to check that they have a perfect color vision, but this test requires a lot more reaction speed in combination with ability to differentiate colors!


The test consists in a series of colored dots showing letters, and going through four different stages of difficulty. As they increase, telling the colors of the letters apart from their surroundings is more and more challenging.


While it’s true that if f you can’t see any of the letters, you might be color-blind, don’t fret if you get lost when you get to the third or the fourth level. It gets increasingly difficult, since it’s designed to drive a vast percentage of the population nuts!


See the video here, and share your results with us!