Busting the most common creativity myths


What an amazing trait creativity is, it makes us truly unique. It has already attracted psychologists and researchers as we see research papers on creativity every year.



Let’s look at some questions about creativity which are frequently put up and demystify the process driving creativity.




1) Do we possess it or can it be learned?

One of the greatest myths about creativity that either one has it or one doesn’t.
Creativity can be harnessed via learning over time. All you need to do is to look at creative solutions for daily challenges or problems you face. Try and think differently while you have a task at hand, coming with an array of creative solutions as far as possible.

2) Creativity thrives under time crunch

There is a myth that creativity duly prospers under pressure, but giving yourself time to think about a solution is crucial for creating creative solutions. Also, known as an incubation period, it allows your mind to wander and gain the information to play around. You thereby get a better hand at trying different ideas and solutions.

If you seem stuck, spending some time away from the desk is always better to allow your mind to take rest and collect the information to come up with unique ways.

3) The Originality burden

Originality is considered as the concept which is only owned the person who came up with the idea. We tend to look at the idea is unique. Though instance in history show us that new ideas are evolution of the existing thoughts and ideas.
‘ Good artists copy, great artists steal’ – Pablo Picasso
The quote by the famous painter tells us that an idea comprises of some inspiration form the original idea which took place.
Allow yourself to look at others ideas from varied perspectives to help you churn the brain.

4) The Only Creator

We might look at the act of creation as a single feat. Only a single person is working on an idea without any support network. But the benefits of sharing ideas and receiving feedback is worth the efforts.
Don’t try to shift your idea to the dark, explore the option of collaboration. As others support as well as provide support to get creative.

5) Constraints to creativity

It is a common belief that lack of the resources hinder creativity and only when time & money are present, it can be leveraged. However, when we are stuck with constraints, it helps us to develop a perspective and embrace limitations.

6) The Eureka Moment

Do you remember the story of Isaac Newton figuring out gravity? While it may seem that ideas may just pop out of anywhere, while in reality they precede subconscious thinking. Taking a break from the problem gives the mind some time to release solutions. Then on return to the original problem, your mind can look towards newer possibilities.

7) Being the expert

Knowledge surely helps work done in a better way, but can also hamper creativity. Working with a team with diverse backgrounds encourages problem sharing and allow for the building of wider and better perspective to a problem & thereby more solutions.

8) The right brain fosters creativity

This myth can be traced back to the birth of neuroscience, as some people believed that if the right-hand brain is more dominant, you’ll be more creative. Well to debunk the myth, creativity is a trait present in the brain, there is not left and right. You use the whole brain to get creative and not just the right-hand brain.

9) Only some people are truly creative

No, everybody can be creative in their work. Though we only view artists as being creative even officers, or someone working at a bank can get creative while adopting a unique approach to problem-solving.

10) Brainstorming is the way to go

Though once a popular method to bring in ideas, it is known to be less effective for stimulating creativity.
Brainstorming sessions might lead to moving towards a single idea which might not be useful.
The best way to go about is to present an idea beforehand and get suggestions to augment the idea. The group can also discuss the idea being presented to point out the challenges.

Time to unleash your creativity



We still have a lot to learn about how creativity and how can various experiences be combined to put together new idea.
So, it is always better to open up to new opportunities and allow yourself to leave the desk and experience life.